What’s for Breakfast? Eggs and Chive Blossoms

It was one of those mornings. I opened my eyes, and my body was still tired from the day before and my brain was still ready for some more extra sleep. Making this recipe was the motivator to get out of bed. I have been watching the garden and enjoying all the chive blossoms blooming, bringing the buzzing bees around the yard. I just love to see the seasons change and all the dormant life wake back up and start showing off its hidden beauties. My chive plant is one of those things that I wait for.

We planted these chives years ago. We joke about how well it does every year, no matter what we do to screw it up. It is our one consistent survivor. Its greenery can even be seen poking up throughout the winter, but it’s the spring that we really wait for. Up pops these beautiful purple fluffy flowers. They are like a pollinator magnet. They are also edible along with the chive plant itself. I don’t take too many flowers because I want the bees to stay around, but I will sample a few throughout the season.

I made a really quick and easy breakfast with the flowers, chives, eggs and some leftover hash brown potatoes from last night’s leftovers. I hike for a living, and this kept me going until lunch. This will be something I make frequently. It is quick, inexpensive, and tasty.

This is not really a recipe, you can cook this any way you like, with more veggies, more or less seasoning, oil instead of butter, etc., but here is how I made it. I melted some butter in my pan, added the chives and flowers and cooked until soft. I added the eggs and cooked until it was the consistency I like, usually over easy. This morning I broke the yoke on one…. that was an accident, I prefer my yolks runny! Once it was done, I added my “everything” seasoning and the hash browns. Done. Easy.

What made this even better is that I got to enjoy this outside on our deck, watching the chickens with their morning antics, and hanging out with my sidekick, Danny. My mom came up later and we had our normal morning chat and my day got better than it started. This is what I really love about the garden, it connects me with my food, with how fast the days move, and to the importance of spending time with the people that matter because that time is not endless. I hope you get a chance to slow down and take in the season, it changes quickly!

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